The New Year always makes us reflect on our lives and what we want to change and add to better our lives. Now, in 2019, many of us have goals to find a balance between work and overall fulfillment in our lives. That fulfillment is often not centered on money, but on collecting experiences, such as seeing the world and becoming a more well rounded individual. If this sounds familiar to you, then you are in luck because TEFL presents this opportunity!
Have flexibility. First, TEFL offers flexibility in where you get certified. Via Lingua offers courses across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the United States. Second, a TEFL Certification gives you flexibility in where you teach afterwards. The world is your TEFL oyster!
See the world. Choose where you want to teach and go. It really can be that simple. Not only that, but when you get a job position, you will have time to travel on weekends and during breaks. Want to see even more of the world? Try freelance teaching and move around. The right TEFL course offers you individual guidance on your desired locations.
Build on your experience. Employers appreciate candidates with worldly experience. Living and working abroad shows potential employers that you are open-minded and cultured. Even if you only want to teach and travel for a short time, you will gain real world experience that will give you a competitive advantage.
Help others. Do you yet realize how fortunate you are to know English? I cannot tell you how many times someone has told me how lucky I am to be able to speak English. English is the gateway to opportunities for people all over the world and you can help people along your journey while also taking care of yourself. Some people even teach for pay and volunteer teach on the side.
Get a certificate that lasts a lifetime. A credible TEFL course will have a certificate that never expires. This means that you will always have the certificate in your back pocket, which provides a great sense of security in today’s world. If you are interested in further advancing your English language teaching, some certificates, such as the one through Via Lingua, also earns you credits toward a Master’s Degree in TESOL.
2019 is the perfect time to embrace this new, exciting change!