Why a TEFL Course is a Good Idea in 2021 2021 is a great year to be making changes and starting fresh! After life felt…
Why a TEFL Course is a Good Idea in 2021 2021 is a great year to be making changes and starting fresh! After life felt…
We are please to announce that Dr. Eddy White has joined the Via Lingua Advisory Board! Eddy White, Assessment Coordinator,…
Making Language Learning a Habit As an EFL teacher, my students often ask me how they can advance their learning because…
The Via Lingua International Scholarship Program was founded to offer students the opportunity of advancing their education…
What 2020 Has Taught Us About Teaching EFL The year that felt like it would never end is down to two remaining weeks on…
This year has been very full and has felt very long, but believe it or not, the holiday season is nearly upon us, which is…
“Unprecedented” and “COVID-anything” are probably words that feel a bit worn out at this point in the year, but each day…
Maria Sosnovskaya is from the Ukraine and received a Via Lingua scholarship to study for her TEFL Certificate in Florence…
Teaching Online: Some Tips and Tricks As you know, being able to teach online is a situation EFL teachers can anticipate…
Italy Is Officially Welcoming Back International Tourists! Italy has officially re-opened its borders, allowing international…
Teaching Online: The Good and the Bad During this new season of COVID-19, many English teachers have joined ranks with all…
Via Lingua Internatinoal is proud to recognize ELTS, The English Language Testing Society. The English Language Testing…
As an English teacher, your title implies that you will set your students up with the English knowledge they need and facilitate…
Adam Rendall is from Scotland, and has been studying at Via Lingua Florence for 4 weeks in our TEFL Certificate He…
One aspect that makes a TEFL course really unique each month is where in the world each of our trainees comes from. Many…
Dear Friends, Via Lingua worldwide is working tirelessly seven days a week to support the health and safety of our community…